Codycross Fauna and Flora Group 176 Puzzle 5 Answers

Codycross Answers Fauna and Flora

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Codycross Fauna and Flora Answers

Question: Absorbent Sea Creature
Solution: Sponge

Question: Ancient Bronze Age Civilization On Crete
Solution: Minoan

Question: Born On The Of July Cruise Plays A Vet
Solution: Fourth

Question: Dian Gorillas In The Mist Primatologist
Solution: Fossey

Question: Farm System Of Minor Teams
Solution: League

Question: Fermented Dough Used For A New Batch
Solution: Leaven

Question: Fruit Belong To Rose Family As Do Pears And Plums
Solution: Apples

Question: Inflamed Oil Gland Infected Pus Pocket On Skin
Solution: Pimple

Question: Joins Together To Form One
Solution: Merges

Question: Places Of Work For Hairdressers
Solution: Salons

Question: Polands Largest Busiest Economic Centre
Solution: Warsaw

Question: Robert Jr Actor In Iron Man
Solution: Downey

Question: Rum Cocktail Of 1939 NYC Worlds Fair
Solution: Zombie

Question: Sale Of Goods To Consumers Not Discount Or Bulk
Solution: Retail

Question: Short Name For South Africas Largest City
Solution: Joburg

Question: Stan And Francines Preferred Drink On American Dad
Solution: Mr pibb

Question: The Phantom Tagline Of Star Wars Episode I
Solution: Menace

Question: To Empower Authorize Permit Someone To Act
Solution: Enable

Question: To Empower Permit Someone To Act
Solution: Enable

Question: To Get Troops Together For Battle Inspection Etc
Solution: Muster

Question: To Remember Recollect Bring Out Of Memory
Solution: Recall

Question: To Stop Plans Youve Made With Friends
Solution: Cancel

Question: Violin By Another Name
Solution: Fiddle

Question: School US Artists Painted Lives Of The Poor
Solution: Ashcan

Question: Tree Shel Silverstein Classic Childrens Book
Solution: Giving

Question: Wonderland Snowy Walking Environment
Solution: Winter

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