Codycross Fauna and Flora Group 161 Puzzle 3 Answers

Codycross Answers Fauna and Flora

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Codycross Fauna and Flora Answers

Question: A Captain Of Manages Or Owns A Large Company
Solution: Industry

Question: Adventurer Wanderer
Solution: Traveler

Question: Also Known As Pomelo
Solution: Shaddock

Question: Animals Walking Very Close To The Ground
Solution: Reptiles

Question: Antiques PBS TV Show With Appraisals
Solution: Roadshow

Question: Beautiful Woman Consciousness Stealing Punch
Solution: Knockout

Question: Broad Range Of Conditions Or Behaviors
Solution: Spectrum

Question: City Located In Both European And Asian Continents
Solution: Istanbul

Question: Doors Singer Who Died Young And Is Buried In Paris
Solution: Morrison

Question: Highly Respected Teacher In Buddhism
Solution: Rinpoche

Question: La Dolce Vita Star Mastroianni
Solution: Marcello

Question: Lightweight Small Shoes Which Are Easily Slipped On
Solution: Slippers

Question: Michael Jackson Tour Planned For 2009 2010
Solution: This is it

Question: Sardine Or Small Oily Fish Live In Schools
Solution: Pilchard

Question: Storage Space For Food And Dishes
Solution: Cupboard

Question: Strikingly Different Opposite Of Compare
Solution: Contrast

Question: Taking Power By Force
Solution: Usurping

Question: The Act Of Propelling A Boat Using A Paddle
Solution: Paddling

Question: Unfaithful Not To Be Trusted
Solution: Disloyal

For additional Codycross Fauna and Flora Answers open this link.

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