Codycross Sports Group 158 Puzzle 4 Answers

Codycross Answers Sports

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Codycross Sports Answers

Question: A Hit By The Beatles
Solution: Oh darling

Question: Aggressively Attacked
Solution: Assaulted

Question: American Poet And A Prominent Modernist Figure
Solution: Ezra pound

Question: An Ideal Partner The Perfect Woman
Solution: Miss right

Question: Artificial Football Field Playing Surface
Solution: Astro turf

Question: Athletics Event Favored By The Brownlee Brothers
Solution: Triathlon

Question: Before You See The Dentist You See This Person
Solution: Hygienist

Question: Challenging Toy Bouncy Pole With Places For Feet
Solution: Pogo stick

Question: City Where Harry Potter Was Written In A Cafe
Solution: Edinburgh

Question: Cricketer When His Team Is Not Batting
Solution: Fieldsman

Question: Get On This To Glide On The Snow
Solution: Snowboard

Question: Hans Andersen Wrote The Angel In 1843
Solution: Christian

Question: Iron Band Of In The Garden Of Eden
Solution: Butterfly

Question: Iron Band Of In A Gadda Da Vida
Solution: Butterfly

Question: It Decides What Is Socially Acceptable
Solution: Etiquette

Question: It Is Not Possible To Do The Washing With It
Solution: Soapstone

Question: Jointly Owned Holiday Property
Solution: Timeshare

Question: Mobile Game Where Players Catch Pocket Monsters
Solution: Pokemon go

Question: Period Of No More Menstruation For A Woman
Solution: Menopause

Question: Repaired Damaged Painting
Solution: Retouched

Question: Scottish Whipped Cream Dessert With Whisky
Solution: Cranachan

Question: Someone Who Practices Any Type Of Science
Solution: Scientist

Question: Stage Big Box Illusion With Mexican Influence
Solution: Aztec lady

Question: The Bowel Is Made Up Of The Large And Small
Solution: Intestine

Question: The Most Physically Strong
Solution: Brawniest

Question: Company British Empires Trade Leaders
Solution: East india

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