Codycross Pet Shop Group 356 Puzzle 1 Answers

Codycross Answers Pet Shop

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Codycross Pet Shop Answers

Question: A Triangular Swiss Chocolate Bar
Solution: Toblerone

Question: Avocado Dip Eaten Usually With Tortilla Chips
Solution: Guacamole

Question: Cathedral In Paris Known For A Hunchback
Solution: Notre dame

Question: Charles Darwin Was One
Solution: Biologist

Question: Dark Green Skinny Vegetable With Tall Shoots
Solution: Asparagus

Question: Deep Rooted Established
Solution: Ingrained

Question: Early Years
Solution: Childhood

Question: Exercise Machine With A Never Ending Belt
Solution: Treadmill

Question: Existing In The Absence Of Free Oxygen
Solution: Anaerobic

Question: First Balcony In A Symphony Hall
Solution: Mezzanine

Question: Fleeting Momentary Brief
Solution: Ephemeral

Question: Fleeting Momentary Lasting For A Brief Time
Solution: Ephemeral

Question: Group Of Holding Rooms In A Jail
Solution: Cell block

Question: Plant That Needs Little Water To Thrive
Solution: Succulent

Question: Profane Talk About Sacred Things
Solution: Blasphemy

Question: Sandys Love Interest In Grease
Solution: Danny zuko

Question: Supreme Incan Being Creator Of Sun And Moon
Solution: Viracocha

Question: To Play Music Along With Another Musician
Solution: Accompany

Question: Tuneful Vocal Pattern From Largest Sea Mammals
Solution: Whalesong

Question: US City Named For The Wife Of King George III
Solution: Charlotte

Question: Strike Bombing That Pinpoints The Target
Solution: Precision

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