Codycross Medieval Times Group 225 Puzzle 1 Answers

Codycross Answers Medieval Times

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Codycross Medieval Times Answers

Question: Abu Dhabi Branch Of Paris Art Museum Since 2017
Solution: Louvre

Question: Anne Second Wife Of King Henry VIII
Solution: Boleyn

Question: Another More Old Fashioned Term For A Fridge
Solution: Icebox

Question: Bud Comedy Partner Of Lou Costello In The 1940s
Solution: Abbott

Question: Capital City Of Russian Republic Of Khakassia
Solution: Abakan

Question: City Where Big Ben Is Located
Solution: London

Question: Corpulent And Pig Tailed Friend Of Asterix
Solution: Obelix

Question: Eastern European Jewish Preacher
Solution: Maggid

Question: General Defended Moscow And Stalingrad In WWII
Solution: Zhukov

Question: Golf Club For Green Work
Solution: Putter

Question: Music Term For Very Fast Tempo
Solution: Presto

Question: One Of The Best Selling Cars In The US
Solution: Accord

Question: Overtaken On A Running Track
Solution: Lapped

Question: People Switch These Off In Support Of Earth Hour
Solution: Lights

Question: Pictures Usually Look Better This Way
Solution: Repeat

Question: Psychopathically Violent Trainspotting Character
Solution: Begbie

Question: Sartres Sickly Existential Tome
Solution: Nausea

Question: The Most Capable
Solution: Ablest

Question: The Place In The Fridge To Keep Frozen Food
Solution: Icebox

Question: Utensil To Remove Stone Inside
Solution: Pitter

Question: Who Roger Rabbit 1988 Live Action Film
Solution: Framed

Question: Within
Solution: Inside

Question: Yes Muscly But So Gauche Anag
Solution: Clumsy

Question: Acid Found In Vinegar Used As Solvent
Solution: Acetic

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