Codycross Library Group 285 Puzzle 4 Answers

Codycross Answers Library

Codycross Library Answers displayed and are sorted by the order they appear on the game.
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Codycross Library Answers

Question: A Person Who Is Engaged To Be Married
Solution: Fiancee

Question: Add Tables Settees Etc To A Dwelling
Solution: Furnish

Question: Charge A President With Misconduct
Solution: Impeach

Question: Drug That Activates Receptors In The Brain
Solution: Agonist

Question: Fantastic Creature That Multiplies With Water
Solution: Gremlin

Question: Joe Pips Kindly Guardian Blacksmith
Solution: Gargery

Question: Major Prophet His Book Is Followed By Daniel
Solution: Ezekiel

Question: Of Or Relating To Sea Lions
Solution: Otarine

Question: One Who Shouts At Comedians
Solution: Heckler

Question: Protected Islands In The North Seas Wadden Sea
Solution: Frisian

Question: Sack Fabric Made From Jute Used For Rope
Solution: Hessian

Question: The Roman Goddess Of Truth
Solution: Veritas

Question: The U In The International Phonetic Alphabet
Solution: Uniform

Question: They Cure Animal Hides
Solution: Tanners

Question: To Eradicate Destroy Completely
Solution: Wipe out

Question: To Walk The Beam You Need This
Solution: Balance

Question: Toasted Tortilla Can Have Spicy Filling
Solution: Tostada

Question: Traveling Across Water By Ferry Or Ship
Solution: Sailing

Question: Type Of Computerized X Ray
Solution: Cat scan

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