Codycross Inventions Group 59 Puzzle 1 Answers

Codycross Answers Inventions

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Codycross Inventions Answers

Question: A Plane A Helicopter Or A Balloon
Solution: Aircraft

Question: Band Of Tissue Used To Connect Bones
Solution: Ligament

Question: Beautiful Woman Consciousness Stealing Punch
Solution: Knockout

Question: Consciousness Stealing Punch
Solution: Knockout

Question: Debbie Sold Marilyns Seven Year Itch Dress
Solution: Reynolds

Question: Development Syndrome Named After Austrian Doctor
Solution: Asperger

Question: Goblets And Wine Glasses
Solution: Stemware

Question: Item Used To Enter Information Into A Computer
Solution: Terminal

Question: Loose Pants With A Bib And Suspenders
Solution: Overalls

Question: Making Something Equal Even Uniform
Solution: Leveling

Question: Marijuana Use Became Legal In 2014 In This State
Solution: Colorado

Question: Passenger Side Dashboard Compartment
Solution: Glovebox

Question: People Told To Leave A Place For Safety
Solution: Evacuees

Question: Removing Plaque From The Teeth At The Dentist
Solution: Cleaning

Question: Rich Tomato Sauce Used In Italian Dishes
Solution: Pomodoro

Question: Roast Christmas Dinner Staple Veg
Solution: Potatoes

Question: Small Posies Of Flowers Linked To Medieval Times
Solution: Nosegays

Question: Stories Of The USS Enterprise Ship And Its Crew
Solution: Star trek

Question: The Usual Gave Kevin Spacey An Oscar
Solution: Suspects

Question: The Original Drummer For The Beatles
Solution: Pete best

Question: The Sound Of H As In Hag
Solution: Aspirate

Question: This Folk Dance Can Get Pretty Loud
Solution: Clogging

Question: To Have Been Cunningly Outwitted
Solution: Outfoxed

Question: Uncertain Unsure
Solution: Hesitant

Question: Words Such As Choo Choo Or Bye Bye
Solution: Repeated

Question: Bob Barts Stalker Voiced By Kelsey Grammer
Solution: Sideshow

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