Codycross Amusement Park Group 215 Puzzle 2 Answers

Codycross Answers Amusement Park

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Codycross Amusement Park Answers

Question: A Humanoid Robot A Mobile Operating System
Solution: Android

Question: Animated Caricature
Solution: Cartoon

Question: Cat UK 70s Singer Today Known As Yusuf Islam
Solution: Stevens

Question: Coal Nickname For German Military Helmets
Solution: Scuttle

Question: Computer Key With A Function
Solution: Command

Question: Creature That Is Part Human Part Horse
Solution: Centaur

Question: Educator Mentor Coach
Solution: Teacher

Question: Enlarge
Solution: Magnify

Question: Expert Ship Builders Between 8th C And 11th C
Solution: Vikings

Question: Green Fruit With Large Pit Goes Bad Quickly
Solution: Avocado

Question: Male Child From Spouses Previous Marriage
Solution: Stepson

Question: Meals Eaten Outdoors Often On Blankets Or Rugs
Solution: Picnics

Question: Morgan Global Financial Services Corporation
Solution: Stanley

Question: Mud Off Road Motor Sport Mudding
Solution: Bogging

Question: Northern Russian Sea Near Kolguyev Island
Solution: Pechora

Question: Pause In The Middle Of Line Of Poetry
Solution: Caesura

Question: Public Transport Aka Streetcar San Francisco
Solution: Trolley

Question: Secret Occult Mysterious Writing Or Language
Solution: Cryptic

Question: Small Petalled Flowers Thought Of As Iron Plants
Solution: Verbena

Question: The Day When A Baby Is Expected To Be Born
Solution: Due date

Question: The Study Of Past Events
Solution: History

Question: To Have Confidence In Someone
Solution: Believe

Question: Fever Childhood Illness Marked By A Red Rash
Solution: Scarlet

Question: Oil Distillate Of Petroleum Used In Cosmetics
Solution: Mineral

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