Codycross Trip to Spain Group 849 Puzzle 1 Answers

Codycross Answers Trip to Spain

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Codycross Trip to Spain Answers

Question: A Spanish Tomato Soup That Is Served Cold
Solution: Gazpacho

Question: A Pause Or Delay Before Acting
Solution: Hesitate

Question: A Sudden Rush Of A Large Animal Herd
Solution: Stampede

Question: Actor Charles Voice Of Super Mario
Solution: Martinet

Question: Collections Of Historical Records
Solution: Archives

Question: DMC Sports Car Manufactured From 1981 83
Solution: Delorean

Question: Desert Sport Epitomized By The Paris Dakar Event
Solution: Rallying

Question: Desert Sport Seen In The Paris Dakar Event
Solution: Rallying

Question: Divers Footwear
Solution: Swim fins

Question: Flicks Tongue Froze To This In A Christmas Story
Solution: Flagpole

Question: French Wheel Brand With Inflatable Mascot
Solution: Michelin

Question: If One Is As Slow As This Syrup Theyre Very Slow
Solution: Molasses

Question: If One Is As Slow As This Theyre Incredibly Slow
Solution: Molasses

Question: Large Scale Negative Reaction To Political Change
Solution: Backlash

Question: Magical Crystal Ball In Tolkiens Legendarium
Solution: Palantir

Question: Observances That Are Celebrated In Picture Books
Solution: Holidays

Question: Plans Plots
Solution: Conjects

Question: Plant Life Grass And Hedges
Solution: Greenery

Question: Small Red Fruits Used In Persian Cuisine
Solution: Barberry

Question: Sporting Sweater What Americans Call A Turtleneck
Solution: Polo neck

Question: The Italian Temple Dedicated To Roman Gods
Solution: Pantheon

Question: Tiny Drainage Hole In Corner Of Lower Eyelid
Solution: Tear duct

Question: Vanessa Carltons Hit Song A Miles
Solution: Thousand

Question: Via Rome Road Links Piazzas Venezia And Popolo
Solution: Del corso

Question: Ash Tree With Red Berries Also Called Rowan
Solution: Mountain

Question: Scotty Was A Star Trek Catchphrase
Solution: Beam me up

Question: Scotty Incorrect Star Trek Catchphrase
Solution: Beam me up

For additional Codycross Trip to Spain Answers open this link.

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