Codycross Small World Group 698 Puzzle 1 Answers

Codycross Answers Small World

Codycross Small World Answers displayed and are sorted by the order they appear on the game.
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Codycross Small World Answers

Question: Actress Who Plays Wonder Woman In Films
Solution: Gal gadot

Question: Chaotic Disasters From A French Word
Solution: Debacles

Question: Chaotic Disorganised Disasters From A French Word
Solution: Debacles

Question: Guffawing
Solution: Laughing

Question: Icarus Father
Solution: Daedalus

Question: Marine Predators Named After A Flowering Plant
Solution: Anemones

Question: Oxfords Romantic Nickname The City Of Spires
Solution: Dreaming

Question: Sam The Warner Brothers Cowboy
Solution: Yosemite

Question: Shoemenders Or A Dismissive Exclamation
Solution: Cobblers

Question: They Are Used To Make Sauerkraut
Solution: Cabbages

Question: Voice Of Buzz Lightyear In Toy Story Films
Solution: Tim allen

For additional Codycross Small World Answers open this link.

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