Codycross Small World Group 694 Puzzle 3 Answers

Codycross Answers Small World

Codycross Small World Answers displayed and are sorted by the order they appear on the game.
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Codycross Small World Answers

Question: A Therapy The C In CBT
Solution: Cognitive

Question: Abolish Completely Get Rid Of
Solution: Eliminate

Question: Bringing In Merchandise From Abroad To Sell
Solution: Importing

Question: Climbed Down
Solution: Descended

Question: Corn And Butterbean Dish Sylvester The Cats Oath
Solution: Succotash

Question: Cost Of Travel For A Grown Up
Solution: Adult fare

Question: Gripping Novels That Keep Readers Guessing
Solution: Thrillers

Question: Natural Pool Bubbling With Warm Water
Solution: Hot spring

Question: Not Alive Showing No Signs Of Life
Solution: Inanimate

Question: Red Colour Named After A Bloody Italian Battle
Solution: Solferino

Question: The C In CBT Or Behavioral Therapy
Solution: Cognitive

Question: Top Half Of A Fraction Showing Number Of Parts
Solution: Numerator

Question: The Cat Never Catches Tweety Bird
Solution: Sylvester

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