Codycross Mesopotamia Group 961 Puzzle 2 Answers

Codycross Answers Mesopotamia

Codycross Mesopotamia Answers displayed and are sorted by the order they appear on the game.
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Codycross Mesopotamia Answers

Question: Director Of Ready Player One And Schindlers List
Solution: Spielberg

Question: Herb Used In Chewing Gum Toothpaste
Solution: Spearmint

Question: Little Richard Song Miss Molly
Solution: Good golly

Question: Powerful Sea Serpent In Jewish Tradition
Solution: Leviathan

Question: South African Colony Under British Rule 1902 10
Solution: Transvaal

Question: Terry Pratchett Trilogy About Nomes
Solution: Bromeliad

Question: The D In Microsofts MSDN Network
Solution: Developer

Question: Theatrical Prize For Broadway Stars
Solution: Tony award

Question: They Are Locals
Solution: Domestics

Question: U Shaped Body Of Water Also Called A Billabong
Solution: Oxbow lake

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