Codycross House of Horrors Group 1117 Puzzle 2 Answers

Codycross Answers House of Horrors

Codycross House of Horrors Answers displayed and are sorted by the order they appear on the game.
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Codycross House of Horrors Answers

Question: 1950s Line Dance Or A Car Bouncing Like A Rabbit
Solution: Bunny hop

Question: A Large Pot Used By Witches
Solution: Cauldron

Question: Amusement Park Attraction With Distorted Mirrors
Solution: Funhouse

Question: Basso Baroque Part With Bass Line Throughout
Solution: Continuo

Question: Casual Frock For Warm Weather
Solution: Sundress

Question: Country Where The Sport Of Curling Originated
Solution: Scotland

Question: It Keeps Your Place When Youre Reading
Solution: Bookmark

Question: Noble Tea Blend
Solution: Earl gray

Question: Pearly Is A Small Pearl Colored Fish
Solution: Dartfish

Question: Physically Move Someone Back Rebuff Them
Solution: Push away

Question: Type Of Park In Spielbergs 1993 Dinosaur Film
Solution: Jurassic

Question: Usual Direction Of The Y Axis On A Graph
Solution: Vertical

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