Codycross Home Sweet Home Group 622 Puzzle 3 Answers

Codycross Answers Home Sweet Home

Codycross Home Sweet Home Answers displayed and are sorted by the order they appear on the game.
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Codycross Home Sweet Home Answers

Question: Big Snakes Perhaps Called Monty
Solution: Pythons

Question: Building Fronts
Solution: Facades

Question: Civil War Hero Stonewall
Solution: Jackson

Question: Cursed Damned
Solution: Dratted

Question: Demands Forcefully
Solution: Insists

Question: Looking For Maybe Even Desperately
Solution: Seeking

Question: Michael Linguist Who Deciphered Linear B
Solution: Ventris

Question: Old Fashioned Wringing Laundry Aids
Solution: Mangles

Question: Plate That Helps You Serve A Balanced Diet
Solution: Eatwell

Question: Round Citrus Fruits For Making Breakfast Juice
Solution: Oranges

Question: Shoes With A Patterned Leather Upper
Solution: Brogues

Question: Some Forms Of Life Survive The Atomic Or Blasts
Solution: Nuclear

Question: Throwing A Party Compering A Do
Solution: Hosting

Question: Holden American Actor
Solution: William

Question: Edition An Art Book Say With Few Copies
Solution: Limited

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