Codycross Greece Group 666 Puzzle 3 Answers

Codycross Answers Greece

Codycross Greece Answers displayed and are sorted by the order they appear on the game.
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Codycross Greece Answers

Question: Absence Of Guilt Clear Conscience
Solution: Innocence

Question: Altitude Height
Solution: Elevation

Question: Ambassadors Foreign Government Workers
Solution: Diplomats

Question: Case For Carrying An Artists Drawings
Solution: Portfolio

Question: Changes In Species Over Time
Solution: Evolution

Question: Discussion Debate
Solution: Discourse

Question: Enormous Now Extinct Species Of Shark
Solution: Megalodon

Question: Greek Hero Enamored With His Own Reflection
Solution: Narcissus

Question: Greek Hero Who Loved His Own Reflection
Solution: Narcissus

Question: Idleness Quality Of Not Tackling Tasks
Solution: Indolence

Question: In Mathematics The Number That Is Left Over
Solution: Remainder

Question: Large White Furred Arctic Predator
Solution: Polar bear

Question: Leaning Back
Solution: Reclining

Question: Lunar Glow
Solution: Moonlight

Question: People Who Provide Jobs For Others
Solution: Employers

Question: Personal Sets Of Songs
Solution: Playlists

Question: Protect From Harm
Solution: Safeguard

Question: Seat With A Tray Used By Babies When Eating
Solution: High chair

Question: Snoopys Pal Famous US Hippy Festival In The 1960s
Solution: Woodstock

Question: Strong Personality Traits Not Weaknesses
Solution: Strengths

Question: Way In To A Home Over Which Brides May Be Carried
Solution: Threshold

Question: What A Doctor Gives After A Thorough Examination
Solution: Diagnosis

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