Codycross Comics Group 1072 Puzzle 2 Answers

Codycross Answers Comics

Codycross Comics Answers displayed and are sorted by the order they appear on the game.
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Codycross Comics Answers

Question: A Category Of Animal Designed To Hunt Others
Solution: Predator

Question: Cartoonist Who Created Garfield
Solution: Jim davis

Question: Collective Name For The Tiny Bones In The Ear
Solution: Ossicles

Question: Drydock Battle Station Or Outpost In Space
Solution: Star base

Question: HMRC And The CIA Are Examples Of These
Solution: Agencies

Question: Many Retail Websites Offer This For Free
Solution: Shipping

Question: Moroccan Port After Which Tangerines Are Named
Solution: Tangiers

Question: Music By Grieg And A Play By Ibsen
Solution: Peer gynt

Question: Pollution Causes This Bad Downpour In Water Cycle
Solution: Acid rain

Question: Religion In Which Followers Seek To Attain Nirvana
Solution: Buddhism

Question: Sending Unwanted Emails Frequently
Solution: Spamming

Question: Sticky Substance Used To Hold Furniture Together
Solution: Wood glue

Question: Stock Romcom Scene Where Two Future Lovers Meet
Solution: Meet cute

Question: Supervises Abroad By The Sounds Of It
Solution: Oversees

Question: The Twin Skyscrapers Located In Kuala Lumpur
Solution: Petronas

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