Codycross Comics Group 1072 Puzzle 1 Answers

Codycross Answers Comics

Codycross Comics Answers displayed and are sorted by the order they appear on the game.
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Codycross Comics Answers

Question: Brown Hue Made Of Dirt Named For Flemish Painter
Solution: Van dyke

Question: Bruce Banners Cousin Jennifer Walters
Solution: She hulk

Question: Chilly Region Of Russia In Eastern Asia
Solution: Siberia

Question: Competition That Can Occur Between Siblings
Solution: Rivalry

Question: Legendary Monster Slain By Bellerophon
Solution: Chimera

Question: Most Subscription Box Companies Online Presence
Solution: Website

Question: Orlando Blooms Character In The Lord Of The Rings
Solution: Legolas

Question: Planet In Our Solar System Discovered In 1846
Solution: Neptune

Question: Some Examples Are Nori Wakame And Kelp
Solution: Seaweed

Question: More Than You Can Chew
Solution: Bite off

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