Codycross Comics Group 1068 Puzzle 3 Answers

Codycross Answers Comics

Codycross Comics Answers displayed and are sorted by the order they appear on the game.
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Codycross Comics Answers

Question: Area Of Land Almost Entirely Surrounded By Water
Solution: Peninsula

Question: Author Of 1924s Gentlemen Prefer Blondes
Solution: Anita loos

Question: Conical Shaped Pastry Filled With Whipped Dairy
Solution: Cream horn

Question: Difference Between Individuals Within A Species
Solution: Variation

Question: James X Men Character Also Called Warpath
Solution: Proudstar

Question: Male Avian Builds Fancy Structures For Courting
Solution: Bowerbird

Question: Santas Brother Played By Vince Vaughn
Solution: Fred claus

Question: Sedimentary Rock The Maya Used For Construction
Solution: Limestone

Question: Someone Who Moves To Live In Another Country
Solution: Immigrant

Question: Suspect Something Is Wrong By Sniffing A Rodent
Solution: Smell a rat

Question: The Bible Has A New And An Old One
Solution: Testament

Question: What Website Ads Beg People To Do With Their Mouse
Solution: Click here

Question: Woman In Love Singer Barbra
Solution: Streisand

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