Codycross CodyCross’ Spaceship Group 1195 Puzzle 2 Answers

Codycross Answers CodyCross’ Spaceship

Codycross CodyCross’ Spaceship Answers displayed and are sorted by the order they appear on the game.
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Codycross CodyCross’ Spaceship Answers

Question: A Christmas Sock
Solution: Stocking

Question: A Practice Before The Real Thing An Experiment
Solution: Trial run

Question: British Indian Forces Under Wingate In WW2 Burma
Solution: Chindits

Question: Doctors Who Use Scalpels In Operating Rooms
Solution: Surgeons

Question: German Physicist Rudolf Known For Thermodynamics
Solution: Clausius

Question: Happy 1967 Hit For The Turtles
Solution: Together

Question: Most Sticky And Muddy Soil
Solution: Clayiest

Question: News Channel Footage And Presentation Of An Event
Solution: Coverage

Question: One Eyed Giants
Solution: Cyclopes

Question: Pearl Shaped Semolina Wheat Grain
Solution: Couscous

Question: Star Wars Planet Initially Inhabited By The Jawa
Solution: Tatooine

For additional Codycross CodyCross’ Spaceship Answers open this link.

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