Codycross CodyCross’ Spaceship Group 1191 Puzzle 3 Answers

Codycross Answers CodyCross’ Spaceship

Codycross CodyCross’ Spaceship Answers displayed and are sorted by the order they appear on the game.
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Codycross CodyCross’ Spaceship Answers

Question: Beethoven Wrote 32 Of These Piano Compositions
Solution: Sonatas

Question: Breed Known As Africas Barkless Dog
Solution: Basenji

Question: Cleansing A Floor Of Dirt With Soapy Water
Solution: Mopping

Question: Flawless
Solution: Perfect

Question: Forest In North East France
Solution: Argonne

Question: Hammer Horror Actor Peter
Solution: Cushing

Question: Jason Star Of Sitcom Arrested Development
Solution: Bateman

Question: Main Ingredient In Laverbread
Solution: Seaweed

Question: Mother Of Heracles In Greek Myth
Solution: Alcmena

Question: Nonsense Or An Optical Cleanser
Solution: Eyewash

Question: The Daughter Of Leontes In The Winters Tale
Solution: Perdita

Question: Unconsciously Absorbed Idea
Solution: Osmoses

Question: Wheels Toothed Devices Mark Patterns On Fabric
Solution: Tracing

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