Codycross California Group 1151 Puzzle 2 Answers

Codycross Answers California

Codycross California Answers displayed and are sorted by the order they appear on the game.
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Codycross California Answers

Question: A Journey There And Back Specifically A Flight
Solution: Round trip

Question: Boggy Sucking Coastal Land Difficult To Escape
Solution: Quicksand

Question: Facial Mockup To Help Police Find A Suspect
Solution: Identikit

Question: It Could Be A Plosive In English
Solution: Consonant

Question: Jump On This To Display Copycat Behavior
Solution: Bandwagon

Question: Love Interest In The Hunchback Of Notre Dame
Solution: Esmeralda

Question: Old Word For Psychiatrists
Solution: Alienists

Question: Politician Who Advocates Fighting Other Countries
Solution: Warmonger

Question: Report On Account Of Events
Solution: Narrative

Question: Stated Or Declared By Name
Solution: Mentioned

Question: Use One To Make Cream Or Eggs Fluffy
Solution: Hand mixer

Question: Valve Separating The Right Atrium And Ventricle
Solution: Tricuspid

Question: Young Bird That Has Just Learned To Fly
Solution: Fledgling

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