Codycross Art Museum Group 737 Puzzle 5 Answers

Codycross Answers Art Museum

Codycross Art Museum Answers displayed and are sorted by the order they appear on the game.
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Codycross Art Museum Answers

Question: American Novelist Known As Papa
Solution: Hemingway

Question: Beat Through Superior Strength
Solution: Overpower

Question: Entry Through A Locked Door Not With A Key
Solution: Forceable

Question: Expressions Of Gratitude Eg For Gifts
Solution: Thank yous

Question: Extra Surplus To Requirements
Solution: Spare part

Question: Jane Austens Sister Who Created Her Portrait
Solution: Cassandra

Question: Las Vegas Female Dancers Cult Classic Film Title
Solution: Showgirls

Question: Makeup Product Used To Hide Dark Circles
Solution: Concealer

Question: Place Where People Are Buried After Death
Solution: Graveyard

Question: Preposterous Ludicrous
Solution: Laughable

Question: Snappy Reptile That Will See You After A While
Solution: Crocodile

Question: To And Fro Motion Of Seas According To The Moon
Solution: Tidal flow

Question: Weatherproofed Polished
Solution: Varnished

Question: Wide Underskirt Worn With Full 50s Skirts
Solution: Petticoat

For additional Codycross Art Museum Answers open this link.

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