Codycross Art Museum Group 732 Puzzle 5 Answers

Codycross Answers Art Museum

Codycross Art Museum Answers displayed and are sorted by the order they appear on the game.
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Codycross Art Museum Answers

Question: Bob Watergate Newspaperman And Novelist
Solution: Woodward

Question: Diverts Causes Something To Change Direction
Solution: Deflects

Question: Driving Adventure
Solution: Road trip

Question: Fossil Of Prehistoric Mollusc
Solution: Ammonite

Question: Gondola Mountain Transport
Solution: Cable car

Question: Greek Protector Of Seafarers Son Of Cronus
Solution: Poseidon

Question: Happen At The Same Time Eg A Crossover Of Plans
Solution: Coincide

Question: Jelly Doughnut Named After A European Capital
Solution: Berliner

Question: Lute Like Instrument
Solution: Mandolin

Question: Mapping Out Tasks In Advance
Solution: Planning

Question: Munch Painted Death In The
Solution: Sickroom

Question: On Your Totally Without Company
Solution: Lonesome

Question: Richard British Pop Artist Of The 1950s 1960s
Solution: Hamilton

Question: She Stars As Batwoman In New TV Series
Solution: Ruby rose

Question: Small Cartilage Bottle That Holds Writing Pigments
Solution: Inkhorns

Question: Title Of A Christian Minister
Solution: Reverend

Question: Treatment To Put On Cheeks Forehead Then Wash Off
Solution: Face mask

Question: Where Queens And Their Workers Live
Solution: Beehives

Question: With No Conclusion Never Finishing
Solution: Unending

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