Codycross Architectural Styles Group 1177 Puzzle 1 Answers

Codycross Answers Architectural Styles

Codycross Architectural Styles Answers displayed and are sorted by the order they appear on the game.
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Codycross Architectural Styles Answers

Question: Class Is To Be Let Go
Solution: Dismissed

Question: Advancing In A Video Game Means Going To The
Solution: Next level

Question: An Elevators Steppy Cousin
Solution: Escalator

Question: An Uprising
Solution: Rebellion

Question: Circular Sequence Of Living Things Like Plants
Solution: Life cycle

Question: Genus Of Wasps And Species Of Mongooses
Solution: Ichneumon

Question: Having A Damaged Liver
Solution: Cirrhotic

Question: Indirect References To Something
Solution: Allusions

Question: Inventor Of The First Successful Piloted Copter
Solution: Paul cornu

Question: Large Metal Canister For A Dairy Liquid
Solution: Milk churn

Question: Long Bracelets Worn Between The Head And Chest
Solution: Necklaces

Question: Morgan Spurlocks 2004 Fast Food Expose Me
Solution: Supersize

Question: Removed From Work Pending An Investigation
Solution: Suspended

Question: The Loudest Part Of An Increasingly Loud Sound
Solution: Crescendo

Question: Unable To Concentrate The Attention
Solution: Unfocused

Question: Parsley Type Of Herb Often Used As A Garnish
Solution: Curly leaf

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