Codycross Architectural Styles Group 1172 Puzzle 2 Answers

Codycross Answers Architectural Styles

Codycross Architectural Styles Answers displayed and are sorted by the order they appear on the game.
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Codycross Architectural Styles Answers

Question: Honesty Is The Best
Solution: Policy

Question: A Bright Spot On The Suns Surface
Solution: Facula

Question: Army General In The Marvelous Land Of Oz
Solution: Jinjur

Question: Art Technique Using Smoke To Create Pictures
Solution: Fumage

Question: German Composer Of Famous Lullaby
Solution: Brahms

Question: Grating Call Of Crows And Rooks
Solution: Cawing

Question: Language Family Including Turkic Mongolic Tongues
Solution: Altaic

Question: Open 2006 Movie Featuring Boog The Bear
Solution: Season

Question: Pen Like Implement For Writing On Screens
Solution: Stylus

Question: The Resonance Or Quality Of Tone Of An Instrument
Solution: Timbre

Question: Duck Mumbai Dish Thats Actually A Fish
Solution: Bombay

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