Codycross Architectural Styles Group 1166 Puzzle 2 Answers

Codycross Answers Architectural Styles

Codycross Architectural Styles Answers displayed and are sorted by the order they appear on the game.
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Codycross Architectural Styles Answers

Question: Athletic Event With 10 Components
Solution: Decathlon

Question: Awareness Consciousness
Solution: Aliveness

Question: Code Whose Letters Comprise Of Dots And Dashes
Solution: Morse code

Question: Collective Name For The Posterior Thigh Muscles
Solution: Hamstring

Question: Gaping Cut That May Need Suturing
Solution: Open wound

Question: Hellfire And An Oath Evoking Eternal Sin
Solution: Damnation

Question: Moroccan Berber Dynasty
Solution: Almoravid

Question: Most Important Meal Of The Day Or So They Say
Solution: Breakfast

Question: Nursery Rhyme Baker Who Is From Drury Lane
Solution: Muffin man

Question: Only Dog Breed Mentioned In The Bible
Solution: Greyhound

Question: This Fluffy Toy Was Named After Roosevelt
Solution: Teddy bear

Question: Welders Heat Source
Solution: Blowtorch

Question: Yard Hydrator
Solution: Sprinkler

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