Codycross Architectural Styles Group 1166 Puzzle 1 Answers

Codycross Answers Architectural Styles

Codycross Architectural Styles Answers displayed and are sorted by the order they appear on the game.
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Codycross Architectural Styles Answers

Question: Actress Jennifer Or Comedian Martin
Solution: Lawrence

Question: British Colony Returned To China In 1997
Solution: Hong kong

Question: California Based Brand Of Canned Fruits
Solution: Del monte

Question: Doras Job Title
Solution: Explorer

Question: Flight To A Faraway Destination
Solution: Long haul

Question: Group Of Three Connected Works Of Art
Solution: Triptych

Question: Machine For Separating Grain
Solution: Thresher

Question: Musical Based On An American Founding Father
Solution: Hamilton

Question: People With Artfully Untidy Hair
Solution: Bedheads

Question: Portion That Is Enough Of Something
Solution: Adequate

Question: Small Round Shields
Solution: Bucklers

Question: Without Fear As An Explorer
Solution: Intrepid

For additional Codycross Architectural Styles Answers open this link.

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