Codycross Architectural Styles Group 1163 Puzzle 3 Answers

Codycross Answers Architectural Styles

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Codycross Architectural Styles Answers

Question: Air A TV Show To Viewers
Solution: Broadcast

Question: Arthur British PM And Duke Of Wellington
Solution: Wellesley

Question: Astronomical Unit Equal To 6 Trillion Miles
Solution: Lightyear

Question: Bikini Bottoms Enthusiastic Fry Cook
Solution: Spongebob

Question: Breakfast Fungi Eaten Fried Or Grilled
Solution: Mushrooms

Question: Cream That Protects Skin From Light Filled Rays
Solution: Sunscreen

Question: Deposits Left By Floodwater
Solution: Alluviums

Question: Disharmony In Music
Solution: Atonality

Question: Entities Transferring Rights To Others
Solution: Assignors

Question: Figure Skating Move In An Arabesque Position
Solution: Camel spin

Question: French Cardinal And Three Musketeers Villain
Solution: Richelieu

Question: Most Posterior Brain Lobe
Solution: Occipital

Question: North Pole Dwelling Fluffy Dog Like Mammal
Solution: Arctic fox

Question: Pasta Often Served With Meatballs
Solution: Spaghetti

Question: Scientist Fleming Or Actor Skarsgard
Solution: Alexander

Question: Telegraph Message Sent By Cable
Solution: Cablegram

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