Codycross A Sweet Life Group 1099 Puzzle 4 Answers

Codycross Answers A Sweet Life

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Codycross A Sweet Life Answers

Question: American Prize In Literature Music Or Drama
Solution: Pulitzer

Question: Cats And Sea Lions Have These In Common
Solution: Whiskers

Question: Green Veggie With Florets
Solution: Broccoli

Question: He Wrote Puss In Boots And Cinderella Charles
Solution: Perrault

Question: Herb Thats Said To Repel Bugs From Garden Plants
Solution: Rosemary

Question: Japanese Animated Steampunk Movie Of 2004
Solution: Steamboy

Question: Medical Condition Requiring Careful Sugar Intake
Solution: Diabetes

Question: Meteorology Study Of The Atmosphere
Solution: Aerology

Question: Pan For Gold
Solution: Prospect

Question: Salary Level
Solution: Pay grade

Question: Tourist Transport Between An Airport And Hotel
Solution: Transfer

Question: Triangular Cushion Used For Inclined Sleeping
Solution: Bed wedge

Question: Your Respectful Address For Royalty
Solution: Highness

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