Codycross A Sweet Life Group 1095 Puzzle 4 Answers

Codycross Answers A Sweet Life

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Codycross A Sweet Life Answers

Question: 2001 Sci Fi Comedy Starring David Duchovny
Solution: Evolution

Question: An Animal Whose Diet Is Other Animals
Solution: Carnivore

Question: Disappointing Anticlimax Or Let Down
Solution: Damp squib

Question: Explain The Meaning Of A Dream
Solution: Interpret

Question: Girl Group Named After Part Of The Weekend The
Solution: Saturdays

Question: Government Formed By Different Cooperating Parties
Solution: Coalition

Question: He Founded Google With Sergey Brin
Solution: Larry page

Question: Internet Chat Language Using Alpha Numeric Symbols
Solution: Leetspeak

Question: Offering Of An Animal Or Person To A God
Solution: Sacrifice

Question: Spanish City That Hosted The Olympics In 1992
Solution: Barcelona

Question: Sphere That Is Worth Three Points In Snooker
Solution: Green ball

Question: TV Show About Archie Betty Veronica Jughead
Solution: Riverdale

Question: Tough Willed And Stubborn
Solution: Obstinate

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