Codycross A Sweet Life Group 1094 Puzzle 3 Answers

Codycross Answers A Sweet Life

Codycross A Sweet Life Answers displayed and are sorted by the order they appear on the game.
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Codycross A Sweet Life Answers

Question: A Strong Short Concentrated Espresso
Solution: Ristretto

Question: A Work Of Exaggerated Theatricality Or Emotion
Solution: Melodrama

Question: An Order Of Primarily Flesh Eating Mammals
Solution: Carnivora

Question: He Broke World Record For 100m Sprint In 2009
Solution: Usain bolt

Question: Henri Namesake Of The SI Unit Of Radioactivity
Solution: Becquerel

Question: Lamb And Potato Dish Eaten On The Emerald Isle
Solution: Irish stew

Question: Norwegian Valley With Unexplained Lights
Solution: Hessdalen

Question: Pair Of Sticks With A Point For Drawing Circles
Solution: Compasses

Question: Ripley Survived 57 Years In Space Thanks To This
Solution: Cryosleep

Question: Some Players Do This Instead Of Reading Music
Solution: Play by ear

Question: The Moroccan City With The Largest Market Or Souk
Solution: Marrakesh

Question: The First Commercial Moving Stairs Began In 1899
Solution: Escalator

Question: Too Great To Be Expressed Or Described In Words
Solution: Ineffable

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