Codycross A Sweet Life Group 1092 Puzzle 3 Answers

Codycross Answers A Sweet Life

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Codycross A Sweet Life Answers

Question: Christian Scripture Says Jesus Sits At Gods
Solution: Right hand

Question: Compound That Promotes Healthy Bacteria In The Gut
Solution: Prebiotic

Question: Deer Like Animal Also Called The Prairie Antelope
Solution: Pronghorn

Question: Dickens Character A Devotee Of Facts
Solution: Gradgrind

Question: Full Form Of Term For Musical Freedom Improvising
Solution: Ad libitum

Question: Italian Sweet Christmas Bread With Raisins
Solution: Panettone

Question: Kept Apart
Solution: Separated

Question: Natural Darwins Theory Of Successful Traits
Solution: Selection

Question: Object Thrown Around A Circle To Music
Solution: Hot potato

Question: Oscar Winning Director Of American Beauty And 1917
Solution: Sam mendes

Question: Place To Store Novels
Solution: Bookshelf

Question: Shooting Of Ink At Paper To Make Images With Blots
Solution: Bulletism

Question: South African Nation Known As Eswatini Since 2018
Solution: Swaziland

Question: US Name For A Device To Open Tins Invented 1858
Solution: Can opener

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