Codycross A Sweet Life Group 1092 Puzzle 2 Answers

Codycross Answers A Sweet Life

Codycross A Sweet Life Answers displayed and are sorted by the order they appear on the game.
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Codycross A Sweet Life Answers

Question: An Animal That Has Four Limbs
Solution: Tetrapod

Question: Deep Shade Of Maroon And A French Red Wine
Solution: Burgundy

Question: Modern Day Name For German City Karl Marx Stadt
Solution: Chemnitz

Question: Schoolwork To Be Done Outside School Hours
Solution: Homework

Question: She Explained It All On Nickelodeon
Solution: Clarissa

Question: She Went To The Yule Ball With Cedric Diggory
Solution: Cho chang

Question: Skateboarders Call Him The Birdman
Solution: Tony hawk

Question: Stephen Alec And Billy
Solution: Baldwins

Question: Taylor Swifts Follow Up Album To 2020s Folklore
Solution: Evermore

Question: The Essential Yoga Pose Dog
Solution: Downward

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