Codycross A Sweet Life Group 1091 Puzzle 1 Answers

Codycross Answers A Sweet Life

Codycross A Sweet Life Answers displayed and are sorted by the order they appear on the game.
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Codycross A Sweet Life Answers

Question: American Animator Of Porky Pig And Daffy Duck
Solution: Tex avery

Question: Attachment Saved As Dat On A Computer
Solution: Data file

Question: Earths Atmosphere Is 78 This Element
Solution: Nitrogen

Question: Elements The Body Needs Along With Vitamins
Solution: Minerals

Question: Expression Of Wonder Or Astonishment
Solution: Wide eyed

Question: Italian Term In Music For Slowing And Softening
Solution: Lentando

Question: Liza Hollywood Legend And Judy Garlands Daughter
Solution: Minnelli

Question: Small Griddle Cakes Often Served With Tea
Solution: Crumpets

Question: Teenage TV Detective Named Mars
Solution: Veronica

Question: Type Of Orange That Gives Earl Grey Tea Its Taste
Solution: Bergamot

Question: Stones Rocks Used For Crossing A Stream
Solution: Stepping

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