Codycross A Sweet Life Group 1090 Puzzle 1 Answers

Codycross Answers A Sweet Life

Codycross A Sweet Life Answers displayed and are sorted by the order they appear on the game.
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Codycross A Sweet Life Answers

Question: A Thick Soup Made From Seafood Or Fish
Solution: Chowder

Question: Delicate Baked French Dish Of Egg Whites That Puff
Solution: Souffle

Question: Elendils Son Founded Gondor With Brother Isildur
Solution: Anarion

Question: European Nation With Half Blue Half Yellow Flag
Solution: Ukraine

Question: Flat Headed Tool For Stirring Or Spreading Food
Solution: Spatula

Question: Gloves That Have One Section For All Four Fingers
Solution: Mittens

Question: Lion Lacked This Trait In Wizard Of Oz
Solution: Courage

Question: Poison That Comes From Almonds
Solution: Cyanide

Question: Upper Egypt Temple Complex South Of Qena
Solution: Dendera

Question: Using An Aggressive Over The Net Volleyball Move
Solution: Spiking

Question: Workers Who Prepare Orders For Shipping
Solution: Packers

Question: Water Can Be Used As Blood Plasma
Solution: Coconut

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