Codycross A Sweet Life Group 1088 Puzzle 4 Answers

Codycross Answers A Sweet Life

Codycross A Sweet Life Answers displayed and are sorted by the order they appear on the game.
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Codycross A Sweet Life Answers

Question: 2019 Romcom Named For A Beatles Song
Solution: Yesterday

Question: A Veronica Roth Novel Following Beatrice Prior
Solution: Divergent

Question: A Being From This Planet
Solution: Earthling

Question: Cashew Relative Produced Primarily In Iran
Solution: Pistachio

Question: Fire And Biblical Expression Of Violent Rage
Solution: Brimstone

Question: Liquid Orbs Falling From The Sky
Solution: Raindrops

Question: Multinational Coffee Chain With Mermaid Logo
Solution: Starbucks

Question: Music Performed With Only Voices No Instruments
Solution: A cappella

Question: Nickname Of New Zealands Rugby Team
Solution: All blacks

Question: Public Plots For Growing Veg And Composting
Solution: Allotment

Question: Short Clip Taken From A Longer Audio Recording
Solution: Soundbite

Question: Six Records Of Shakespeares Survive Today
Solution: Signature

Question: Small Gland In The Brain That Controls Growth
Solution: Pituitary

Question: The Companion To The 9th And 10th Doctor Who
Solution: Rose tyler

Question: What The 24 7 Venice Water Buses Are Called
Solution: Vaporetti

Question: Where A Gamer Can See All Their Characters Gear
Solution: Inventory

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