Codycross A Sweet Life Group 1086 Puzzle 5 Answers

Codycross Answers A Sweet Life

Codycross A Sweet Life Answers displayed and are sorted by the order they appear on the game.
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Codycross A Sweet Life Answers

Question: Arlo Guthrie Steve Martin And Rhiannon Giddens
Solution: Banjoists

Question: Birthplace Of Jesus Christ
Solution: Bethlehem

Question: Challenging And Tough
Solution: Difficult

Question: Eggs Whisked Then Fried To Go On Toast
Solution: Scrambled

Question: Impressive Ballet Leap With Splits In The Air
Solution: Grand jete

Question: Pink Flower Used In Remedies To Combat Colds
Solution: Echinacea

Question: Professional Land Measurers
Solution: Surveyors

Question: She Played Ellie In Jurassic Park
Solution: Laura dern

Question: Sleep Temporary Inability To Move While Asleep
Solution: Paralysis

Question: Swimmers Stroke That Flutters
Solution: Butterfly

Question: The Process By Which A Mother Produces Milk
Solution: Lactation

Question: Use Of Overstatement Or Exaggerating Language
Solution: Hyperbole

Question: When Comms Fail This Tapping Often Comes Through
Solution: Morse code

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