Codycross A Sweet Life Group 1082 Puzzle 4 Answers

Codycross Answers A Sweet Life

Codycross A Sweet Life Answers displayed and are sorted by the order they appear on the game.
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Codycross A Sweet Life Answers

Question: A Spiny Globular Animal Lives On The Ocean Floor
Solution: Sea urchin

Question: All Over Someone Showering With Affection
Solution: Like a rash

Question: Buying And Selling Across Markets To Make A Profit
Solution: Arbitrage

Question: Downward Facing Surface
Solution: Underside

Question: Herbivore Dinosaur With Distinctive Thumb Spikes
Solution: Iguanodon

Question: Holy Sounding Name For Santa Claus
Solution: Saint nick

Question: Insight Used By Psychics To Diagnose Illness
Solution: Intuition

Question: Shakespeares Eponymous King Of Britain
Solution: Cymbeline

Question: The Author Of The Adventures Of Tom Sawyer
Solution: Mark twain

Question: The Award Category Given To The Lead Male Role
Solution: Bestactor

Question: Used After Ma To Ask For Musical Restraint
Solution: Non troppo

Question: Nine One Of The Star Trek Series
Solution: Deep space

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